Most Recent Class

Thread 4, Day 12 - Thursday, May 16, 2024


  1. End of Course Interview
    • Here is the order of interviews for this morning:
      Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 3.28.21 PM.png|550
    • Please wait on the chair outside room 36 when your interview is next.
      • For example, Tessa O'Neill will wait outside room 36 while Thomas Noone completes his interview, and so on.
    • At some point this morning, please complete the course feedback form.
      • This form is anonymous.
      • Your constructive feedback is valued – thank-you in advance for your time with this.

Most of you will be dismissed at 11:30 AM. Please wait until I come out to dismiss you. Until then, to minimize traffic and noise in the academic block, please stay in Hadden Hall, with the exception of essential trips to the washroom.

All Prior Classes

You can see details of all prior classes here.

Grove Time

There are no Grove Time offerings this week.

SIC Drop-In Sessions

Computer Studies Program SICs are students enrolled in Grade 12 Computer Science.

2023-24 SICs of Computer Studies.png|450

They are friendly, very knowledgeable, and staff drop-in sessions as well – similar to Grove Time.


While AP Exams are on (next three weeks) SICs will not be offering drop-in sessions.