Initial Assessment


The purpose of this initial portfolio self-assessment is to determine whether you are currently approaching, meeting, or exceeding course expectations – and to set goals to improve before the end of the module.

Iterative improvement

Recall the steps of the design process, as first described in our course outline:

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While a portfolio itself is not a product, a portfolio can be iteratively improved.

Due date and approach

This initial self-assessment of your portfolio should be completed prior to the end of this period. It is intended to take, at most, 30 minutes to complete. Be thoughtful but do not over-think this.

Act on current feedback


Check Notion right now, and see if you have any comments that you have not already read, suggesting revisions to your portfolio posts.

Act on the feedback given to better demonstrate your understanding of course learning goals.

Learning goals addressed so far

We are just past the three-quarters mark on the first module of this course.

We have completed activities and tasks designed to give you multiple opportunities to meet the following course learning goals:


I know how to protect my privacy and keep my devices secure and organized.


I can plan for and describe the steps needed to solve a given task in a variety of ways.


I can explain the concepts of sequence, selection, and repeating events and apply them in code to obtain desired results.


I can describe how abstraction is used within an existing program and author programs of my own that apply abstraction.

Assess your current achievement level

To confidently assert that you have met expectations, you should have at least three different pieces of evidence in your portfolio that fit for most of the learning goals above.

If you cannot say that the above is true at this point in time – then, for now at least – you are approaching expectations.

If you have more than three pieces of evidence for each learning goal above, or, you have some specific examples of going above and beyond by:

... then you may be exceeding expectations.

Please make a post on Notion, answering the following questions:

  1. Based on your self-assessment, are you currently approaching, meeting, or exceeding expectations?
  2. What evidence do you have for your response to the prior question?
  3. What is one goal that you can set to improve before the end of this module?
  4. What specific step(s) might you take to achieve that goal?

An entry in Edsby will be made by Mr. Gordon to reflect your self-assessment of your current standing in the course. No numeric grade will be published at this point in time.