Gig Poster


Loosely follow the style of Swiss modernism as illustrated by Mike Joyce's work and create your own custom gig poster for an actual concert that has occured in the past for a given band or musical artist that you like.

What you'll need to begin

Success criteria


Your plan must be shared on Notion and approved by Mr. Gordon prior to starting to write code.


You may use the eyedropper tool to sample colors from the examples shown.


Create a short screen recording like this one to show that your poster was backed up regularly, then share it on Notion. Note how seven versions of the playgrounds were made across an hour – a new version made after each significant bit of progress. You must show the backups made using the list view in Finder.



Any of the plans shared for lessons in this module would be suitable:


You must post about your progress at multiple points while you write your code.

Here is an example from last year:

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 8.25.19 PM.png|700

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 8.25.40 PM.png|700

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 8.26.06 PM.png|700


Last year students used slightly different portfolio software.

In your portfolio entries, share screenshot(s) of your current work in the Progress section.

In the Learning section, briefly summarize key achievements using subject-specific vocabulary.

In the Questions section, ask about anything that you need a hand with, and Mr. Gordon will reply or be ready to answer your question in the next class.

A complete exemplar

Mr. Gordon completed this task, too. View his work here to see a complete exemplar for how to meet and exceed expectations.

Handing in your work

When you have finished the code for this task, please complete the Coding Task – Final Entry template, and be sure to respond to these prompts...

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 9.03.41 PM.png|250

  1. What was the hardest part of authoring your poster? Why?
  2. What technique that we learned about in this module – sequence, iteration, abstraction, or selection, was most important for creating your poster? Why?

Due date

You must add all required elements described above in to your portfolio prior to leaving for the Winter Break. No exceptions – please, plan ahead – everything will take longer than you expect to finish.


Mr. Gordon's holiday actually starts when he has evaluated your portfolio and written your next report card comment for this course while this module is fresh in his memory. He will not chase you to hand in missing work but will simply evaluate what is present in your portfolio when the Winter Break begins.

Learning goals

Successful completion of this task is great evidence of mastery for learning goals 1, 4, 5, and 6.