T-Shirt Shadow Prints


Create a design that when inverted, will look appealing when printed with sunlight-activated dye on a T-shirt.

What you'll need to begin

Success criteria

I know I've been highly successful when...

Exemplar – Plan



This is largely a good plan, but it does not have any notes about where functions or loops might be applied. The student might have added windows the silhouette of this image, and used loops and a function to draw those windows.

Reflection prompts

When you have finished the code for this task, please complete the Coding Task – Final Entry template, and be sure to respond to these prompts...

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  1. Where in your code did you make use of loops? What parts of your drawing did those loops help to make?
  2. What were some of the most common syntax errors you ran into? How did you resolve them?
  3. It is normal for a program's final output to sometimes vary from the original plan. Was that true in your case? If so, in what ways?

Due date


In order to return completed T-shirts to you before the Thanksgiving Long Weekend, we will need to be transferring prints on the following dates in each section of this course:

Section 1


That means ideally half of our class has completed their final portfolio entry for the task by Sunday October 1 at 10 PM, so that Mr. Gordon has time to create transparencies of your images so you can make your shirts.

Section 2


That means ideally half of our class has completed their final portfolio entry for the task by Monday October 2 at 10 PM, so that Mr. Gordon has time to create transparencies of your images so you can make your shirts the next day.