Thread 2, Day 10 - Friday, December 8, 2023


  1. Discussion: Rubber Duck Debugging
    • Solving logical errors and syntax errors can be frustrating, but everyone deals with it, even experienced programmers.
    • Pairing with a friend to describe what you are trying to do with your code, line by line, can be helpful.
      • Often during this process, you will realize the source of the problem you are having.
    • When a friend is not nearby, use your duck! 🦆
  2. Activity: The Replacements Gig Poster - Applying Abstraction
    • Learn how to identify repeated elements in a drawing and then apply abstraction by authoring a function. 🚀

    As you complete the activity, take note of new vocabulary that is introduced.

    Describe your understanding of these new terms in the Notion post that you make for today's class.

Things to do before our next class