Thread 3, Day 2 - Tuesday, February 6, 2024


  1. Mini-Tutorial: Capturing Videos and Adding to a Notion Post
    • Use Command-Shift-5 to begin capturing a video.
    • Add to a Notion post using the /video shortcut.
  2. Mini-Tutorial: Adding Sound to an Alice World
    • We will re-create this opening shot from the original Star Wars movie.
    • Use Project > Resource Manager to add audio files – here is the one you will need.
    • Use do together tile to play music while other actions occur.
  3. Concept: Alice – Making Responsive Scenes with Functions and Expressions
    • Writing programs that respond to changes in the scene setup
    • Put another way – how to avoid writing "hard-coded" algorithms that "break" when something about our scene changes
Things to do before our next class