Thread 3, Day 7 - Thursday, February 15, 2024


  1. Task: Authoring Class-Level Procedures
    • Together, we will think of at least 20 useful actions, for any combination of these classes in Alice:
      • Biped
      • Flyer
      • Prop
      • Quadruped
      • Slitherer
      • Swimmer
      • Transport

      Each student must submit at least two ideas, without repeats.

      The list of submitted actions will be on the TV screen at the front of the class.

    • Then, students will decide upon what actions they want to program for their mid-module task.

    The procedures you implement do not have to be one of the procedure ideas you came up with and submitted to the form.

    • You have the rest of the period to make further progress with your mid-module task.
    • Your goal should be to complete at least one procedure by our next class.
Things to do before our next class